Sunday, September 4, 2011

Type of Chihuahua dog

Chihuahua dog

Type of dog, Chihuahua dog is the most popular and least of all races. Have a terrier character, which means that with confidence, sure, a little grumpy and ready for immediate bark. He's eager for your affection and physical contact Related (to embrace, encourage, Czech Republic). Will often curl up beside you on the couch for hours and will sit on your lap while reading or watching television. He knows how to crawl under a pillow and blanket in which often fall asleep, so be careful where seeding! There tends to be a closer relationship with one person - their main carers. He is cautious and investigate all incidents, with a little suspicious of strangers and takes a long time to get rid of (contacts should result only in its own terms). Chihuahua is a great dog for an apartment, all the training necessary to get a walk through the space. This is one of the 20 most popular types of dog in the world.

Grooming Info:

Chihuahua short hair requires only occasional brushing. Though, because this type of barn do not be surprised if you are brushing once or twice a week (all that's left on the brush will stay in your house).