type of dog Vesthajlenderski Terrier

Type of dog, Known as the "Vesti" Vesthajlenderski Terrier possesses a classic character Terrier: active, courageous, energetic, self-centered and temperamental. In the case of confrontation, these little puppies will vigorously defend its territory, regardless of the size of another dog. They have an innate dose of stubbornness and prefer to do things their own way, in their own time. Their owners will have to be set as the pack leader from day one and will Vesti try to take control. They love to bark and are quite loud as opposed to its size, which makes them excellent guards the dog. However, they are carefree, is friendly creatures and are very open even to strangers. Well with other dogs, but that brought up to catch small prey are usually not very good with cats. With control over more skilled they are good with children. Although small type of dog they are not very cuddly dogs who will sit on your lap, would rather run in the rain and jump through puddles staining his white fur. they are very intelligent and need to be constantly stimulated, or it will get into trouble. They are fun, active, happy, loving and very good companions, as they prefer to be on the move.
Groooming info:
Pet (less work): shorn to a shorter hairstyle every few months and require less frequent brushing hair.
Exhibit dog (more work): hairstyle is shaped by the standards of the breed and need daily brushing