Briselski Grifon
Type of dog, Brussels Griffons happy little furry dog. It is usually associated with one or two people in the household and want to be with osobamapo all day - seven days a week. He will want to sleep with you, go to the bathroom with you and you sit at your feet while working in the kitchen. You'll never be lonely. Brussels griffin is not right if you get a lot of attention and friendship - she will be sullen and withdrawn. Manicured Brussels Griffon is a cheerful, interesting, curious dog. They are intelligent, sensitive and very obedient training. They can be trained to perform a variety of tricks and if you laugh at them will only encourage them, because they like to act like a court jester at home. They need to satisfy you and will do everything to make you happy! They are good and obedient to the competition but can sometimes be stubborn about keeping up with the rope. They are good as a guard dog because they will bark at a time when someone appears in your door, but they are often embarrassed in contact with strangers. If you're looking for a gentle, self-important little dogs that need to be members of your family, type of shaggy dog with almost human quality Bichon Frise is the right choice for you!
Grooming Info:
Pet (less work): sheared to short hair styles every few months and require less frequent brushing hair.
Dog shows (more work): shaved by breed standards every 6 months and require daily brushing.